Si les interesa ver las citas sobre el "pastor" Steve Munsy y sus secuaces del cual les hable en el escrito anterior a continuacion se las dejo para que las vean y comprueben la sarta de mentiras y disparates que estos individuos con autoridad pregonan.
No te dejes enganar, el que te pida dinero a cambio de que Dios te va a bendecir te miente descaradamente,estos charlatanes manipulan las mentes por medio de la la tele a personas que lamentablemente son debiles de mente y faciles de convenser.Cuando alguien te trate de ensenar algo de la Biblia, pide pruebas reales y no manipuladas a conveniencia en la Biblia,cosas que concuerden y sentido comun van de la mano.Como te van a decir a ti que si no das o "pactas" $1,000. dolares Dios no te va a bendecir.Escuchame bien Amigo y Hermano,Dios no tiene ni a tenido ni tendra nietos,Dios solo,solo tiene Hijos y todos,todos tienen el mismo valor,no por que estes en la tele o des $1,000. dolares eres mejor ante Dios.
Pueblo de Dios despierten!!! Tambien dentro del Cristianismo tenemos lobos vestidos de ovejitas que se visten de rosita(color rosita!).
Steve Munsey:
“I promise when you give this Passover Offering, God is going to do a miracle…God says, ‘Go to the phone.’…God is speaking to somebody right now to give $2,000 right now!…You must go to the phone. Five $200 gifts. Go to the phone! What I’d like for you to do is, I’d like for you to put immediately something on the credit card, right now….Go to your phone. Five $200 offerings. Two $200 gift. A $400 gift. A $600 gift. The Lord is speaking! This cannot be a light blessing.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, March 16, 2005)
“Hezekiah turns his face, if I can do this. He turns his face, the Bible says, ‘To the wall.’ He starts weeping and prays this prayer and he says these words, ‘Lord, I pray now that you will remember what I did for you.’ All of the sudden, God says, ‘What did he do for me?’ And it dawned on Him [God] he restored the Passover Offering…” (See Isaiah 38-39)
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, March 16, 2005)
Note: It dawned on God? This is blasphemy! Nothing dawns on the All Knowing King of the Universe! “Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite,” Psalm 147:5.
“He [God] said, ‘Tell the people to give five $200 offerings. And He said, ‘Give three $200 offerings, two $200 offerings.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, March 16, 2005)
“If they stand before Me [God] empty handed, there will be no angel that will protect them! No angel to lead them to their miracle. Their sickness will stay in their body and I [God] will not be able to fight their enemies nor give them longevity of life…”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, March 16, 2005)
“God said to tell them to give five $200 offerings.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“The Holy Spirit said, ‘Tell the people I want them to give $1,000.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said these words, He said, ‘Tell the people to give a $1,000 offering.’ And I said, ‘Now, Lord, there’s going to be many people that, that, when I say that their going to say,’ Aww, I can’t do that.’ No, He said, ‘You tell them to give five $200 offerings.’”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“You call that number. You call that number and this is what you do. I need you to put the first $200, the Lord is speaking to me strongly. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Put it on the credit card right now!”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and the Prophetic Word. No telling what is going to happen. I’m to people that are going to get inheritances. I’m talking about in the next 10 days, 50 days there’s going to be things that are going to happen. But, that will not happen until you put your offering on the altar.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“Go get an envelope. For goodness sake! Please listen to what the Lord is saying…I want you to go get an envelope. I want you to write this address down. I want you right now, stop everything and write that check and move it into the mail!…The mailbox is where your going. That’s your next stop!”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, January 20, 2005)
“If you want prosperity you must speak it…It’s not up to God or the Devil, it’s up to you!”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, April 24, 2004, ‘Speak To Your Future’)
Steve Munsey: And I want to tell you that God is speaking right now! You need to go to the phones…Immediately get this on the altar…The Spirit of the Lord is speaking strongly. There is someone watching right now, the Lord is speaking and He said, ‘If you say it I will do it.’ I’m going to say it, ‘$79,000.’ God is speaking to people to give $79.00. God is speaking to people to give $790.00. As quick as you can get it on the altar. Something in the heavenlies is going to open up and there is going to be a supply of supernatural. And there is going to be double portion that is going to overtake your life. I feel it strong!
Benny Hinn: I do too, I tell you! Well, do it now! Do it today! Call the number on your screen and sow that seed or send it in the mail.
Steve Munsey: Can they put it on a credit card possibly?
Benny Hinn: Yes, absolutely they can!
Steve Munsey: Because the speedier they can get it on the altar. It is a moment and it probably is going to be the greatest that we have ever had!
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, August 27, 2004)
“The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘Tell the people, tell the people that they are to go and they are to give. They are to give a $79.00 offering…”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, August 27, 2004)
“I would suggest to everyone right now and you need to get on the phone. I don’t know if they have phone numbers on the screen. You need to call and say, ‘I’m going to give the $79.00. I’m going to give the $790.00′….And I’m going to prophesy, ‘The next six months, the power, the most powerful double portion is going to happen.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, August 27, 2004)
“Now there’s, there’s, let me show you something else that the Lord is speaking. There are people that are watching that the Lord is speaking to give $790.00. There are businesses, now let me tell you something about businesses. There are business men that God is speaking to, to give $7,900 in the name of your business.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, August 27, 2004)
“We are going to give. When you give today you are putting it on the altar. A few minutes ago the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, ‘Tell the people that when they give that I’m going to do the same thing that I did to Job. I’m going to put a double portion on their life’…Anybody want double portion on your life? I can’t hear you. Anybody want double portion on your life?…The Bible says, ‘When Job gave the offering,’ the Bible said, ‘That’s when God responded!…The Lord spoke to me and said, ‘Tell the people to give a $77.00 offering or a $7.00 offering or a $700.00 offering’…There’s a double portion going to come upon your life…God I’m putting this on the altar so we can have revival. So that we can have a mighty move of your Spirit in this nation. We claim it! We speak it!…”
(Steve Munsey, “America for Jesus,” Daystar Television, October 22, 2004)
“We must understand God’s seasons, especially concerning the Atonement offering in Leviticus 23. Right now we are moving into such an important time. This is a very special time in history. If we understand when the harvest is coming and actively move toward receiving that harvest by standing before Him with an offering, God will pour out an overwhelming blessing from September through Easter. And I believe the Holy Spirit has told me to tell the people of God to send Atonement offerings in multiples of 79—$79, $790, $7900 and even some for $79,000—whatever the Lord places on your heart, to participate in this coming harvest. This can shake the nations.”
(Steve Munsey, “This Is Your Day,” Benny Hinn Show, August 27, 2004)
Note: Under this quote on the Benny Hinn website it says: [Click here to plant your special LEVITICUS 23 ATONEMENT SEED-GIFT.]
“Let me tell you something, when I’m poor I’m not spiritual.”
(Steve Munsey, Daystar Share-A-Thon, September 13, 2004)
“What you speak is where you are going.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, April 24, 2004, ‘Speak To Your Future’)
“All of you are going somewhere today. It’s by your tongue…All of you are where you are by your tongue..What you believe is what you speak…Speak your future into existence.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, April 24, 2004, ‘Speak To Your Future’)
“I’m not trying to manipulate you. This is a Word from God…What I’m giving is a valid revelatory word.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“The Lord is speaking right now! There is a business man who needs to call and give $500 a month for six months. When you do God will dispatch an angel to your business and bless it a hundredfold.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“The Lord is speaking to business people to give $500 a month for six months and God will dispatch an angel to your house and your business. God is going to take that angel and lead you to your miracle.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“God has an miracle that you don’t know anything about. God has a miracle waiting on you. All it takes is a Passover offering ($50 a month for six months).”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“Go to your phone! Right now! God is saying, ‘When you give the Passover offering I will dispatch an angel. Sickness will be taken away.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“This might be the very offering that God has been waiting for to bless you with prosperity.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“God will give longevity of life if you give an offering.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“God said, ‘Stand before me and don’t stand empty handed.’”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“An angel is going to visit you during this broadcast if you listen to me. God is going to dispatch an angel to your bedside or wherever you are.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“God said, ‘If you give the Passover offering I will do seven things.’”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
Note: The seven things are: 1) An angel sent. 2) Cuts your enemies off. 3) Blesses job. 4) Take sickness. 5) Longevity of life. 6) Increase. 7) Inheritance.
“God said, ‘Stand before me with an offering and I will do seven things.’”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
Note: The seven things are: 1) An angel sent. 2) Cuts your enemies off. 3) Blesses job. 4) Take sickness. 5) Longevity of life. 6) Increase. 7) Inheritance.
“When God had seen what Hezekiah had done for him, He could not deny him.” Steve was alluding to King Hezekiah and insinuating that if we give some money God will have to answer our prayer!
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“This is a Word of God. He wanted you to hear it so He could put the finishing touches on your life with the Passover offering.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
“Anybody who is sick this is going to heal you.”
(Steve Munsey, LeSea Network, Miracle Telethon, May 4, 2004)
Marcus Lamb:
Marcus Lamb: “There are at least 5 people, business’ or ministries that need to sow that $10,000 seed. That $10,000 seed is a supernatural seed! And there’s attached to it some kind of supernatural provision!”
Bill Winston : “A miracle. Mm, Hm.”
(Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 11, 2005)
“And God is saying, ‘Move today.’ It could be that you need a new house! It could be that you need a better car! It could be that you need a promotion on the job…It could be that you’ve been praying for that son to get saved…You’ve been praying that God would restore your marriage…I say to you today, ‘Don’t just throw your seed. Sow your seed!’ There is a difference. You can call up today and make a pledge and that’s great! And I say, ‘God bless you.’ But if you don’t have an intended purpose for that seed then all you did is throw that seed instead of sow that seed.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 11, 2005)
“But today there are at least 70 of you listening to me and you need a miracle! You need a breakthrough! You need an answer to prayer! You need to know the will of God for your life. You need God to do something for your business. Or you need God to do something amongst your children or in your marriage. I don’t know which one of those things that is for you, but I just know that one of those areas is what is going to click in your heart and you’re going to know that’s what you’re tying your faith to. That’s what you’re going to be targeting your gift [$1,000] for.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 7, 2005)
“Mike, [Mike Murdock] I, I, really sense the Lord saying to me that, ‘There are churches, there are ministers and there are business people that this $8,500 seed is going to connect you to a million dollar plus decision. A million dollar plus opportunity.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” February 28, 2005)
Marcus Lamb : “If you’re one of those three people that the Lord spoke through me moments ago about a million dollar gift. Whether you’re that professional athlete, whether you’re that successful businessman or whether you’re that woman that has been blessed. You do what the Lord is telling you to do. Because, when God speaks about a significant seed, He has a significant miracle on His mind.”
Jaunita Bynum : “Yes!”
Marcus Lamb: “God doesn’t play games! And that’s serious business when you start talking about levels like that.”
Jaunita Bynum: “That’s Right!”
Marcus Lamb: “That’s because God has a significant miracle on His mind
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon,” September 21, 2004)
“Well, the Glory of God is here! Now it’s time to get up and go to the phone and target your need with your giving! And God will honor it.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon,” September 23, 2004)
“That’s what God brought alive in my spirit. He said, ‘Son, ask for 70 people, at least 70 people that in the next 30 minutes will pledge $1,000 towards the worldwide outreach of Daystar…I believe that God is saying that the same thing that He did with the 70 in Luke chapter 10 [Luke 10:17] that He’s going to do for you!”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 7, 2005)
“There’s at least a special group of 70 people watching this very moment that the Lord is going to stir up in your heart. And He’s going to say, ‘Be one of the 70. Become one of the 70 and the same blessing that I placed on the 70 in the New Testament,’ the Lord is saying, ‘I’m going to place upon you.’ You may not have given $1,000 before, or you may have done it several times. But, if the Lord is placing this upon your heart, then you need to go to the phone and say, ‘I’m going to be one of the 70!’”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 7, 2005)
Note: So what is this special blessing in Luke chapter 10 that Marcus says we are buying from God for a gift of a $1,000 to Daystar?
“And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you,” Luke 10:17-19.
“Women are more sensitive to the Holy Spirit without question!”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 7, 2005)
Note: Sex has no influence on being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
“I want us to put up the address on the screen. As I say so often to you, ‘The sooner you get your seed into the ground, the sooner your harvest will come.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon,” September 23, 2004)
“I can tell you this for many people who have never done it. It’s a different level of faith. It may seem like something beyond what you are able to do. That’s when you know it’s God. Because, it’s not something that you can just do naturally. It’s not something that you would do in the flesh. It’s not something that you would do of your own accord. It’s a God thing. It’s bigger than you are. That’s why God tests you by going to a level like this. He’s wanting to see if He can trust you. Can He, He’s wanting to see if you can recognize His voice. Can you act uhh, on faith upon what He says? And when you do, God can see that He can trust you with a $1,000 gift then He can see that He’s going to be able to intrust you with so much more. But if He can’t trust you to give $1,000, how can He trust you to receive $100,000 or $250,000. It’s a trust thing. It’s a test.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon,” September 14, 2004)
“Dr. Murdock , I need to have all the Daystar staff that aren’t just doing something critically important to go and get on the phones. Cause all the phones are jammed. We want to be able to accommodate the people. This is a special move of God. And while the anointing here is so strong we want the people to get in on this. $1,000 is not going to change the destiny of Daystar. But, $1,000 could change your destiny! It could change your life, your family, your future, your business, your ministry. And I don’t want to see you miss out on this. Because I know that several times when Joni and I personally have given from this level what has happened. God has just supernaturally blessed…We’re going to send you Dr. Murdock’s book. Reading the book will be a continual blessing.”
(Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon,” September 14, 2004)
Jesse Duplantis : “People told me, ‘Well, they say, Jesus was poor.’ When was He poor? I would like to know when He was poor. Well, He was born in a stable. Why? Why was He born in a stable? Because that short, deaf lady lost their reservation. He couldn’t get into the inn. Think about that for a minute…And He had 12 full time people on His staff. Some were married and He took care of them. He had 70 part timers. You don’t gamble for rags Marcus [Lamb].”
Marcus Lamb: “Yeah.”
Jesse Duplantis: “You don’t gamble for rags. You gamble for some clothes that cost. Don’t you? He wanted a donkey that had never been rode. As I said earlier, ‘You might want a car that has never been drove.’”
Marcus Lamb: “He had a full time treasurer on staff.”
Jesse Duplantis: “That’s right! And stole for three years and the other guys didn’t know about it.”
Joni Lamb: “And wise men came to see Him.”
Jesse Duplantis: “That’s right! I mean He wasn’t three minutes on the ground and the three wise guys are looking for Him with what? Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Let me tell you something, this concept that Jesus was in poverty is totally wrong!”
(Jesse Duplantis, Marcus Lamb, and Joni Lamb, Daystar Fall, “Share-A-Thon,” September 15, 2004)
Joni Lamb: “You know, Daystar is a network that believes in miracles and, uh, some time ago we had to remove a program because, um, we had a programmer who was teaching that miracles were not for today.”
Darlene Bishop : “Oh, my Lord!”
Joni Lamb: “And that they…”
Marcus Lamb : “That they ceased with the days of the apostles.”
Joni Lamb: “That they ceased with the days of the apostles. And so, you know we contacted this ministry and said, ‘That this doesn’t line up with what Daystar believes.”
Darlene Bishop: “Thank God!”
(Joni Lamb, Darlene Bishop, Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon” March 7, 2005)
Note: Wow! That is divisive to remove a program just because they believe that the sign gifts ceased at the closing of the cannon of Scripture. That is a secondary issue that Christians should not divide over.
Daystar promotes T.D. Jakes , a man that denies the Trinity yet they remove a ministry for teaching that the sign gifts ceased? How tragic is that? How contrary to Scripture is that?
Larry Huch: “Jesus wasn’t poor! Jesus wasn’t poor! Never was poor! ‘No, He was born in a manger.’ Yeah, He may have been born in a manger but before they went to the manger Mary and Joseph went to the Hilton to get a room! And either Mary and Joseph were going to before dawn sneak out the window and steal all the soap all the shampoo and all the towels or they had money to go to the inn and pay for the inn…When Jesus was walking with His disciples the Bible said, ‘There were 5,000 men plus women and children.’ So, let’s say 15,000, right? 5,000 men, 5,000 women [unintelligible]. And the disciples came to Jesus and they said, ‘They’re hungry.’ And Jesus said, ‘You feed them.’ What did they say? ‘Should we go and buy?’ In other words, Jesus had enough money on Him to buy lunch for 5,000 families that were hungry and hadn’t eaten all day long! No credit card. Cash!”
Marcus Lamb: “Plus, He had a treasurer as a part of His ministry. Why would He have a full time treasurer if He didn’t have any money?”
Larry Huch: “…Plus Judas has been stealing out of the bag. You know, and I tell the churches all this to break that curse of poverty, ‘If there was only a buck fifty [$1.50] in the bag,’ Okay, you’re the treasurer with the buck fifty. If Judas stole the quarter when they went to get bread, ‘Hey! where’s the quarter?’ No! There was more than enough in there that Judas was stealing from Jesus, he had to be able to steal thinking nobody would notice it.”
Joni Lamb: :”What about the robe that they cast lots for?”
Larry Huch: “Seamless! It was not K-Mart clothes! It was designer!…You’re thinking about Jesus being a wealthy person…Jesus could bring a gold coin out of a fishes mouth!”
(Larry Huch, Marcus and Joni Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 9, 2005)
Larry Huch: “If you’re pregnant you need to call in and break every family curse off your baby before it’s ever born!”
Marcus Lamb: “Yes! That’s good!”
(Larry Huch and Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 9, 2005)
Bill Winston: “We can sow a seed for our children’s tuition.”
Marcus Lamb: “Yes!”
Bill Winston: “We can sow a seed for a marriage to come back together. We can sow a seed for a loved one to come into the Kingdom of God. There’s so many things right now that we can sow a seed for.”
Marcus Lamb: “Oh, Yes!”
Bill Winston: “And I have a feeling that God is putting it on peoples hearts right now. This debt cancellation is on me right now for some people to get out of debt.”
(Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 11, 2005)
Bill Winston: “That’s why God has given us this privilege of sowing a seed.”
Marcus Lamb: “Yesss!”
Bill Winston: “So that we can come out of financial captivity!”
Marcus Lamb: “That’s right!”
Bill Winston: “And people are in captivity right now financially and God has put a system in place called ‘Sowing and Reaping” so that we can get out.”
Marcus Lamb: “Well, I want you to go to the phone, and I want you to call.”
(Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, “Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon,” March 11, 2005)
“I believe that there is a 100 fold anointing in God’s Word. I believe it’s on Jesse Duplantis’ life. And I believe that anointing is in here in the studio today…If you’d like to get your pledge in and for us to agree with you for the 100 fold anointing to come in on your life. Whether it’s in health, finances, relationships…”
(Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall, “Share-A-Thon,” September 15, 2004).
Recuerda,Dios te bendiga grandemente y adelante con JesuCristo…!!!.
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